
Practical advice on how to revive the azalea if it has dried up. Causes of the problem and prevention

Practical advice on how to revive the azalea if it has dried up. Causes of the problem and prevention

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Azalea is one of the most unusual and incredibly beautiful indoor plants. Most housewives are not ready to care for such a flower. Most often it is given to women to please them. But often people are faced with the fact that the leaves of the flower dry up and begin to fall off. How to avoid this and what to do if drying still occurs, you can find out in this article.

What is houseplant drying?

Drying is a phenomenon when more water evaporates from the leaves of plants than enters them from the soil and air. Azalea is a very demanding flower for the environment. She does not tolerate heat, she will be much more comfortable in a cool place. The optimum temperature is from 12 to 18 degrees. Also, the flower has an intolerance to direct sunlight. At the same time, she will not be able to survive in a dark place.

It is important! You cannot expose the azalea to a stressful situation during transportation and buy it in winter: it will freeze and not one or two layers of kraft paper will save the plant.


In drought conditions, the appearance of the azalea may change even before the active phase begins.

Drought signs:

  • the appearance of dry grayish spots;
  • invasion of pests (read about pests and diseases of azaleas here);
  • the appearance of brown or brown spots;
  • the tips of the leaves dry up and turn brown;
  • falling leaves.

What is the danger for rhododendron?

Azalea is a very delicate flower and may simply not tolerate drying. It cannot be left to grow in a small pot for a long time. After the end of flowering, it must be transplanted using the transshipment method.

Lack of attention to environmental conditions, pot size and soil composition can be hazardous to the plant. Draft and frequent temperature changes will turn brown and dry leaves for the plant. Another reason for the formation of brown tips on the leaves is using too hard water for watering. Or the plant is overdried.

A photo

In the photo below you can see a drying rhododendron:

Why foliage crumbles and buds dry?

Azalea dries up in the absence of optimal conditions for its maintenance. There can be several reasons for the drought:

  • insufficient illumination of the room;
  • direct sunlight on the plant;
  • incorrectly selected flower watering regime;
  • the small size of the pot in which the azalea grows;
  • lack of land due to overgrowth of roots;
  • diseases of the root system;
  • damage by pests;
  • lack of timely fertilizing or insufficient soil nutrition;
  • improperly selected substrate;
  • wrong choice of temperature regime.

Azalea sheds leaves - why this happens and how to help the plant, read here.

What parts of the plant are affected by moisture loss?

Azaleas can dry out both leaves and buds. The root cause of leaf dryness is improper care. The coloring of the leaves in brown and black color and subsequent drying is a witness to the infection of the azalea with septoria - a fungal disease (why the edge and the inside of the leaves turn black in the azalea and why they fall off, how to help the plant, read here).

Advice! To treat the disease, the plant must be treated with an antifungal solution, then put the azalea in the shade and make sure that it is not watered too often.

If a azalea buds dry quickly and petals fall from them, this indicates fusarium. The reason may be too humid environment and high air temperature. To combat the disease, the plant is sprayed for 2 weeks with a special solution prepared from an antibiotic, fungicide and copper sulfate. After another two weeks, they are watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

When the temperature drops, the plant experiences severe stress, because of this, it can shed all the buds. Overdrying of the soil, temperature changes, transplanting during flowering, changing light intensity, using hard water for irrigation shortens the flowering period and negatively affects the health of the plant.

If the azalea flowers become soft and slimy, and then dry out and fall off, you can safely water the plant with water from the refrigerator - it is too hot. Many even leave the flower in the refrigerator for a while.

During the budding period, the azalea should be sprayed with boiled cool water. You can also freeze the ice and place it directly on the ground in the pot. This will help the plant to bloom and keep the buds beautiful and fresh.

Remember! Azalea needs to be transplanted into new soil from time to time. Watering with melt water is practiced. In hot weather, the flower is covered with ice.

What to do to restore a flower in a pot?

You can revive a dried rhododendron so that it turns green and blooms again, following the instructions:

  1. Before reanimating a dried plant, you need to get it out of the pot and place the bush in a large basin filled with cool water.
  2. Carefully and carefully clean the roots from the soil, remove rot, rinse the roots.
  3. Add a biological product to the water and hold the azalea in it for half an hour.
  4. Remove dry leaves and branches, transplant into new soil.
  5. Water with settled water twice a week.
  6. You can lay the ground of the pot with pine needles.
  7. Fill the pallet with wet expanded clay.
  8. Spray the leaves several times a day.
  9. Put a transparent bag or jar on the bush and leave until new leaves appear.
  10. Arrange daily ventilation, but not more than 10 minutes.
  11. Spray with growth stimulants.

When will you fail to save rhododendron?

A separate question is whether it is possible to revive an azalea when it is infected with a rhododendra bug. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to reanimate the plant, since the parasite lays eggs directly in the tissues of the flower's body. It will have to be disposed of.

It is also not possible to restore a plant that has dried completely from twigs to roots; the only thing left to do in this situation is to disinfect the pot and plant a new flower.

Prevention and care at home

Preventing drought is much easier than restoring a plant after it. Basic rules of prevention:

  • choosing the right watering regime;
  • timely feeding;
  • optimal air temperature;
  • do not skip plant transplanting;
  • compliance with the light regime;
  • removal of excess stems.

Attention! You need to feed the flower in all seasons, except for the winter one.

We offer you to watch a video about the proper care of azalea:

Azalea blooms very beautifully, but at the first inconvenience it begins to dry out, shedding foliage, and sometimes buds. To avoid this, you must carefully monitor conditions such as air humidity, moisture in the soil, lack of direct sunlight. Then the plant will have beautiful green leaves, bloom periodically and delight you with its beauty.

Watch the video: How To Revive Any Dying Plant in 3 Eazy Steps: Root Rot Treatment: Plants Issues And Solutions (November 2024).